- USA, Los Angeles
- Jahrgang:1982
- Assistent seit:2012
- Führerschein:PKW bis 7,5 to (C1)
- Eigenes Auto:eigenes Auto verfügbar
- Reisepass:vorhanden
- Sprachen:Englisch
- Telefon: 3105407859
- Ladigitaltech.com
- info@ladigitaltech.com
Fotoassistent, Digital Operator
David F
People, Portrait, Architektur, Location Scout, Mode, Beauty, Reportage, Produktions Assi, Stilllife, Food, Transportation, Auslandserfahrung
Know How:
Professional Photo Assistant, DIT, Data Wrangler, and Digital Technician. I have a lot of experience in studios and on location. I have practical experience for Catalog, E-Commerce, high end advertising, and run and gun. I have experience with Profoto, Ellinchrome, Aperture, Arri, and Broncolor. I also have experience with older flash systems and the oddball Chinese LED's. I am 100% versed in color correction, and light balance should that be of interest. I do work on video but mostly smaller corporate - in house types of jobs.
*Portrait jobs
*Run and Gun Documentary
I have a very good feel for lighting, how to light, and lighting for detail. I can also compromise and light for speed.
On the DIT side I have experience and use Capture One working with photographers who both like to be
tethered and those who like to shoot to cards.
Most people shoot on Canon or Sony these days with some Nikon, Fuji, and Phase One cameras. I have 30 feet of tether cable. for most cameras.
I have an excellent attitude on set quiet when required or can offer feedback or help technically in private. I will never be a distraction on set. I have backup gear, very calm, with experience I have learned exactly what to do and when. I'm very easy to work with and I travel well with experience in multiple countries and in the USA.
Clients like me... I have a good amount of experience with celebrities and sports figures and bands. I'm looking for an opportunity to serve you. No attitude budget of the shoot does not matter.
Referenzen als Assistent / Werdegang
I attended the Art Center College of Design, I shot for a while but I prefer to be the assistant...
I'm a professional assistant, if you want someone to watch your back not handing cards out to shoot then I'm the guy. ...
, Digital Operator, mehr als 1 Jahr
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